30 January 2010


how good do these look?

24 January 2010

Karl Markovics

Ich finde den

Karl Markovics 

einfach genial. Er sieht aus wie mein opa und wenn ihr nicht wisst wie er ausschaut gibts hier ein bild.

einmal möchte ich ihn kennen lernen. Er spielte in die Fälscher. und kommisar rex, einer meiner lieblings serien als ich ein kind war.

New Dior commercial (featuring The Killers)

and jude law and he looks gorgeous ! . I don't think you could have picked a better man for dior.

'Relax' Official Music Video

Once again Peaches shows how amazing she is ! I'm dying to go to one of her concerts!! at the moment she's touring australia ! lucky people.

23 January 2010

emergency case

I love these

just incase your heels hurt their right there :) I think i might get them the problem is that their 149€uro. a bit pricey but i've found others instead. I really love the idea of them though :)

20 January 2010


is a website which broadcasts like every radio channel i think it might only be america though but still, you can search for artists and genres..

follow here

p.s. it shows what you're listening to : )

19 January 2010

The Perfume

Andrew Birkin and Bernd Eichinger,  directed this masterpiece. A german actress "Karoline Herfurth" who plays in "Mädchen Mädchen" plays the Plum Girl in The Perfume. Ben Wishaw plays Jean Baptist Grenouille, and Dustin Hoffman, Rachel Hurd-Wood and Alan Rickman (also known as the world famous snape) act in this movie. I first watched this movie when it came out and am about to watch it now.

good night

Irina Lazareanu

Pop Eye the sailor

today for my english exam i got an unseen passage from a book called Mr. Pip :) it was about Pop Eye I don't think about this one but I still mentioned it.
I miss him

12 January 2010

Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you.

I found another amazing photo from new years which i have to post :)

This is Ze NANA on ze left and me on ze right in Plan B

10 January 2010


Ive started collecting rings, any shape and size no matter what they look like. The one problem being i've thin fingers so most of them are too big. but here's what i've got.

From left to right: H&M, gift, gift, bought at a charity sale handmade and gift.

The next thing I collect and love is Zoo Magazine, I treated my self to #25. It's the only magazine i really enjoy reading and even though it costs €5.70 it's a must have seeing as it only comes out every four months.

Last but not least my friend M. came back from Argentina the other day and brought me with this shirt (shown below) and even though it's for the summer I love it and wore it already :) Muchos besos.

09 January 2010

City by the sea

Contains James FrANCO
Robert De'NiRO and FRANces McDormand
it's only got a 6.1 out of 10 rating.
i think i might watch it because i saw some drugs going round.

07 January 2010

a couple of photos from my walk

dedicated to ellevictoire follow her blog TADA

©Juliet Brickell

04 January 2010

killer vain

today i've started studying, well working for school and doing quite a bit of it.

03 January 2010

Faire Frou Frou



01 January 2010